Tuesday, March 20, 2007


For all of my loyal readers out there, if you were curious at all- yes I named this blog in homage to Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. Why? Because the only film greater than Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, was Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Today, March 20, marks a date of true and utter surrealism. I am leaving for Vienna in a week. It has got me thinking about all the things I will miss about America….

My Movies
My Books
On Demand
The History Channel
The Fire Place at my Nana and Papa’s
My cell phone
Becca’s Bed
Britt’s laugh
Ninja’s VHS collection
Trader Joe’s Hummus
Crown Royal
The big red fuzzy blanket on Zach’s bed (good for naps)
All things Bruce Campbell
The Rock Wall at the IMA
The easy to understand and comprehend English language
The way my mom is hotter than me
Half Priced Books
Magus Books
Not really Twice Sold Tales (cats freak me out…the judge you with their judgmental eyes)
Daily calls to and from my Grandparents
Fruit Snacks and People’s Green Tea from the U-Book Store
Insulting the REALLY stupid customers that come into the store after they leave
Guitar Hero
My shower curtain that is really a map of the world
Russell Peters inside jokes with !Becca and !Scott
Quentin Tarantino films…
Walking to school with Becca in the morning
Waking Ninja up with “STEAM ROLLERS!”
Winn’s photography
My family…and everything about them
The way my friends make me laugh
falling asleep to foreign films and waking up thinking I can speak foreign languages…
Adult Swim in General...

Albeit a long list, I’m sure I could go on…. Just like I am sure that Vienna will rock my socks minus all of the things I will miss about America. Meh

1 comment:

felicia said...

what rhymes with beanpoller..?