Sunday, April 8, 2007

I think I miss dyer sheets.......

So, after a little over a week in Vienna I think I am in love with this city. However, albeit beautiful, there are a few things that I find strange. In my first week and a half here, I have noticed the following:

  • In Vienna, you can buy cigarrattes out of vending machines, but you can't fnd a drinking fountain or go to the bathroom without paying money
  • my Google is all in German......
  • All of the people here have dogs, and a lot of the owners tend to resemble their pets
  • Everything here that is for tourists has Mozart's name in front of if that makes it more commercial
  • there is a McDonalds on every block
  • no one wears Birkenstocks
  • Everyone puts their cloths out to hang dry, so I can't find/buy any dryer sheets (I miss the way my cloths smell)

I don't know what the Viennese have against peeing for free and or water for all, but everyone here also seems to smoke. It stinks, but it is easy enough to get used to. Legally drinking is also pretty sweet, I can't lie.

1 comment:

felicia said...

ahhhhh ERIN I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! i want to go to vienna with ferdy and meet all the viennese dogs!!!!!!!!!!!! do you think we look like each other?? i think you and hypothetical clark gable look like each other! i'm going to buy you a pet turtle when you get back!!! love you!!!